• Ján Sakáč - FotoKošice, Bašťovanského 8, 040 22 Košice, IČO: 55983243, DIČ: 1129310996
  • info@foto-kosice.sk

Wedding photographer in Košice, Slovakia

Wedding photographer in Košice, Slovakia

Hello. My name is John and I welcome you to my personal photography page, on which I present a little of my photography work. I live and work in Slovakia, Košice region, bud after mutual agreement, it is possible to shoot across the whole Slovakia. I´ve engaged in photography from 2005. I hope, you enjoy my work, which you can see in my photo gallery. You can also chcek frequently asked questions and, if you are interested, feel free to read how to proceed with booking me, as your wedding photographer.

Mail: info@foto-kosice.sk
Fb: facebook.com/fotokosice
Speaks: English, Slovak